May all salât (prayers) and salâm be upon Muhammad ‘alaihis-salâm, who is in every respect the most beautiful and the most exalted of all mankind. May salât and salâm be upon His Âl (family) and relatives, who radiate knowledge, wisdom and good ethics. May salât and salâm also be upon all His Ashâb (radiy-Allahu ta’âlâ ‘anhum/ May Allahu ta’âlâ be pleased with them), who have become the most precious of people by seeing His beautiful face that heals souls and hearing His valuable words, and upon those who love and follow them.
Allahu ta’âlâ, having mercy upon all people on the earth, creates and sends useful things to them. In the next world (âkhirat), He will grant His forgiveness on those Muslims who are to go to Jahannam (Hell) and put them into Jannah (Paradise). Muhammad ‘alaihis-salâm is a Nabî, Rasûl (Messenger) and Habîb (Beloved) of Allahu ta’âlâ. He is mankind’s sayyid (master). Those who believe and follow the path of such a blessed Prophet is certainly the greatest of ummats.
Janâb al-Haqq pitied us and made us attain His greatest blessing, that is, being one of His (Muhammad ‘alaihis-salâm’s) ummat. He clearly stated that we must adapt ourselves to Him and follow Him. It is less than sufficient, however much we make hamd to Him and thank Him for this immense blessing.
Allahu ta’âlâ created the blessed nûr (light) of our Master Sarwar al-âlam (Master of worlds) Muhammad (sall-Allahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) before He created anything. In the Qur’ân al-karîm, addressing our Master, the Prophet, it is said, “We sent thee as a mercy, as a blessing for beings.” In a hadîth al-qudsî, it was said, “Were it not for thee, I would not have created anything!”
The real tenet of îmân (belief) is, “Al-hubbu fillâh and bughdu fillâh,” that is, to love Allahu ta’âlâ’s loved ones and dislike His enemies. Without hubbu fillâh and bughdu fillâh, no ibâdat (act of worship) will be accepted. Therefore, it is fard (obligatory) to love “the Master of the worlds”, and we have been ordered to place His love in our hearts and adorn ourselves with His beautiful akhlâq (moral qualities). To continue this love, books have been and being written for centuries, which talk about the life of our Master, the Prophet. For flooding our hearts with His love, after making long examinations from the books of the Ahl as-Sunnat scholars, we have tried to write the blessed life of our Master Rasulullah. May Allah be pleased with everyone who worked on this.
May Janâb al-Haqq fill our hearts with the love of our Master, the Prophet and keep us on the path informed by Ahl as-sunnat scholars! Âmîn.
Prof. Dr. Ramazan Ayvallı
May Janâb al-Haqq honour all of us with the bliss of following Muhammad Mustafâ (sall-Allahu ‘alaihi wa sallam), who is the master of this world and the next and the superior and the best of mankind! For, Janâb al-Haqq loves following Him, adapting oneself to Him. A mote of following Him is superior to all the pleasures of the world and all the blessings of the âkhirat. Real superiority is being in subjection to His sunnat as-saniyya, and the honour and virtue of humanity are following His Islâm. [The word sunnat has three different meanings. Here, it means Ahkâm al-islâmiyya (the commandments and prohibitions of Islâm).] (Maktûbât Sharîf)
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Ahl al-Bayt of Rasûlullah (‘ridwânullahi ‘alaihim ajma’în')
Khulafâ ar-Rashidîn (The First Four Caliphs) (ridwânullahi ‘alaihim ajma’în)
Our Imâms of Madhhabs (rahmatullahi ‘alaihim ajma’în)
Our Imâms in Belief (rahmatullahi ‘alaihim ajma’în)
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Religion is the path shown by Allahu ta’âlâ to lead people to endless bliss. Warped paths made up by people under the name of religion are not religion; they are irreligion and unbelief.
Religions are the mercy and favour of Allahu ta’âlâ to His born slaves. Allahu ta’âlâ sent religions to crush nafs’ desires and wishes and to prevent its excessiveness.
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